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  • Writer's pictureSue Bateman Textiles

Back on Track with Bath to Bristol Run and Tetbury Trail to Trouble House!

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

Well it's been a while since my last blog but I'm really pleased that it wasn't a fracture (although there seemed to be a lot of 'historical' injuries showing up on my x-ray) and I'm back to normal!

End of Tetbury Trail at Trouble House

Still being careful not to do too much too soon, I was almost back up to a 10k by Tuesday 4th May. It was my birthday on the 6th with an energetic and hilly walk through Ebbon Gorge with Rory, Saul and Steve.

By Sunday 9th it was back to a Tetbury half marathon with Rory, and just the usual pain in my left foot! So definitely back to normal.

Wasn't able to do a run with Rory the following weekend (15th/16th) so did my own longish run (15k) through Lutheridge, then Nympsfield, and back down to Nailsworth through Tinkley Lane. It had been a very wet week so I was hoping the weather would be kind. Just got back in time before it poured! It was lovely to see the pubs open again as they had been allowed to open up again yesterday. Interesting 'Foraging Walks' being advertised too!

Planned to do a Bristol to Bath run with Rory next Saturday, which he had done before with Sophie and said it was lovely. Steve agreed to pick us up in Bath, then have a bit of lunch before coming back. So a couple of easy days to prepare.

The big day arrives! Steve took me over to Rory's so I didn't need to take the car, and off we went. It really was a lovely route - very challenging at times, especially the hill towards Kelston Roundhill towards the end but the views coming back down into Bath really were spectacular!

Started off along the Avon Valley path towards Bitton, with the usual visit to the horses & ponies on the way. Couldn't resist talking to the new foal. The path was still very muddy from all the rain so good job I wore my trail shoes.

Came off the path just after Bitton and stopped for a coffee in The Swan pub at Swineford. This was where we would meet up with part of the 'Cotswold Way' which was going to be steep and rocky!

Before that though, we came across this very weird looking sheep. It looked as though it was the only one that had been anywhere near shears, but had managed to escape anyway! Just it's middle had been shorn and the rest of the wool was sort of hanging off!

Rory assured me that we were allowed to run through this field, so on we went, up and up. I have to say, the views made the steep climb really worthwhile. We could see over to Kelson and Kelston Roundhill. Had never been along this path before.

Continuing on towards Kelson Roundhill (the hill with the trees on top), very steep, rocky, muddy and difficult to run up, but amazing when we got to the top! Once we had passed Kelston Roundhill, the path dropped very steeply towards the Weston side of Bath. Rory said that the views were amazing but I hadn't expected them to be this spectacular. I thought I had seen every beautiful view towards Bath but this one topped them all. We could see from Lansdown and Weston right around to the city. We were really high up it it should have been a nice run down but my feet were already sore and the path was extremely rocky. The last thing I wanted to do was trip and get another injury!

A couple of panoramic views of Bath:

View from Kelson Roundill across Bath, ultra marathon training

View from Kelson Roundill across Bath, ultra marathon training

A few more ups and downs before finally ending in the city (running up towards Primrose Hill was a killer!).

Baguette and coffee in the Abbey Churchyard afterwards, and then home (dropping Rory off on the way). It had been an exhausting but fantastically memorable run! My feet were killing me but today had been amazing!

Needed a good rest day the next day as the rocky tracks had really taken their toll on my feet, but no sign of any injury which was a relief! I actually had a podiatrist appointment on the following Tuesday, who was surprised that I didn't have any pain. She also pointed out some historic fractures in my foot which I'd forgotten about! Must have been my little accident at aerobics many years ago!

It's been a very wet and rainy week - so fed up with getting wet every time I go out for a run!

Did a short run to Balls Green with my new flourescent pink jacket (had treated myself to some running gear in the 50% sale from Magic Mountain) but it didn't rain!

Short afternoon run on Thursday and the cycle track on Friday (very humid!) when I saw a deer in the fields.

The next long run with Rory was on Bank Holiday Monday (31st May) when we managed to do nearly 30k to Tetbury, down the Tetbury Trail to Trouble House, and back again. It was a lovely day to run in, but quite hot. That's the longest we've done for a while and we really need to start increasing our distance ready for August.

End of Trail at Trouble Houe

Stop off on the way back at the Wild Carrot, Chavenage for coffee and ice-cream. Such a beautiful day! Look at that sky!

Wild Carrot at Chavenage

Rest day on Tuesday, short run on Wednesday, medium to Minchinhampton on Thursday (all the calves were out!) and then a longer run on my own to Ryeford and back along the canal towpath. Wore my Saucony trainers and didn't seem to have any problems. Perhaps I've got more used to them - they may be suitable for the ultra.

A sunny run past the donkey sanctuary yesterday and I'm all up to date!

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Many thanks for reading. Sue

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